
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Teddy's name: Bug

Age when sexually assaulted: 5 to 12

Who assaulted Teddy: By 2 of dad's friends

Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne, Australia

Teddy's message to the world:

Please watch out for you children and never assume that just because you like someone that they are incapable of hurting your children. Trust without caution is the number one thing that allows abusers access to your children. I know the heartbreaking affect child sexual abuse has on every aspect of a person's life and how even long after the abuse is over you are still trying to piece together the remnants of a life you never thought you'd have to live. Please educate yourself on what warning signs to look out for in your children's behaviour because often they are too scared and confused to ask for help or tell someone. Make sure they understand that bad things can happen even by people they love and that they should always tell you no matter what someone may say to them. Always listen if a child tells you they've been hurt because they don't know how to lie about such abuse at that age and nothing can affect a child more than knowing that t he people closest to them don't even believe them.

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