The Teddy Tour is about a month behind on Tags at the moment. Thanks to two big boxes full of Teddies that have just arrived, we should be able to catch up over the next few days. If you have submitted a tag in the last four weeks and have not seen it on the site yet - you have not been forgotten!
We're really sorry for such a big delay and are hoping to have everything running more smoothly in the future.
Teddy's name: Gypsy
Age when sexually assaulted: ?-11, 12-14, 14-15
Who assaulted Teddy: Religious leaders, children's home staff, foster parents
Town or State where the assault happened: England
Teddy's message to the world:
No matter how many times it happens, no matter how many people hurt you, it will never be your fault.
Age when sexually assaulted: ?-11, 12-14, 14-15
Who assaulted Teddy: Religious leaders, children's home staff, foster parents
Town or State where the assault happened: England
Teddy's message to the world:
No matter how many times it happens, no matter how many people hurt you, it will never be your fault.
Teddy's name: Vezzy
Age when sexually assaulted: 3 through 21.
Who assaulted Teddy: Father. Mother. Naughty Men.
Town or State where the assault happened: England.
Teddy's message to the world:
I was hurt very badly as a child and as an adult, I was abused physically, sexually and mentally, I was beaten up and torn down. But, I will survive, I have already survived the worst in Human Nature, I will survive Court, and especially the witness stand. I will prosecute these naughty people, so they can never hurt anyone again. This is a message of hope. God Bless You Vezzy. Sleep Tight.
Age when sexually assaulted: 3 through 21.
Who assaulted Teddy: Father. Mother. Naughty Men.
Town or State where the assault happened: England.
Teddy's message to the world:
I was hurt very badly as a child and as an adult, I was abused physically, sexually and mentally, I was beaten up and torn down. But, I will survive, I have already survived the worst in Human Nature, I will survive Court, and especially the witness stand. I will prosecute these naughty people, so they can never hurt anyone again. This is a message of hope. God Bless You Vezzy. Sleep Tight.
Big Ears
Teddy's name: Big Ears
Age when sexually assaulted: Started at 5
Who assaulted Teddy: Dad and brother
Town or State where the assault happened: Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
You had no right to do the things you did to me. From the age of 5 I lost my confidence and all sense of self. Why did you have to be so mean, so cruel? I became someone else. Some of the abuse I could remember, some I could not. But I know the person I am now. Somewhat broken; trying to make sense of it all. Did you feel a sense of power? How pitiful you are. You took away my innocence and turned my world into a living nightmare. You took away the essence of me!!!!! I've been stumbling through life wondering about this and that, blaming myself; feeling shame for things I wasn't sure of; hating myself; hurting myself; wanting to kill myself so many times; I want to hate you with everything I am, but I can't afford to give any more of myself away now. I have sacrificed so much. I will conquer and heal. I know I will. And from this day forward, I break the chains that bind me to you - even on an invisible level. From now on, the y're gone and I will re-discover who I am. Because I damn well deserve it!
Age when sexually assaulted: Started at 5
Who assaulted Teddy: Dad and brother
Town or State where the assault happened: Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
You had no right to do the things you did to me. From the age of 5 I lost my confidence and all sense of self. Why did you have to be so mean, so cruel? I became someone else. Some of the abuse I could remember, some I could not. But I know the person I am now. Somewhat broken; trying to make sense of it all. Did you feel a sense of power? How pitiful you are. You took away my innocence and turned my world into a living nightmare. You took away the essence of me!!!!! I've been stumbling through life wondering about this and that, blaming myself; feeling shame for things I wasn't sure of; hating myself; hurting myself; wanting to kill myself so many times; I want to hate you with everything I am, but I can't afford to give any more of myself away now. I have sacrificed so much. I will conquer and heal. I know I will. And from this day forward, I break the chains that bind me to you - even on an invisible level. From now on, the y're gone and I will re-discover who I am. Because I damn well deserve it!
Teddy's name: Susie
Age when sexually assaulted: 14-16
Who assaulted Teddy: Boyfriend
Town or State where the assault happened: UK
Teddy's message to the world:
Love is acceptance of the word no. Or maybe not a word, but your body language, telling him no without words, because he has taken your voice. It was not love, though he convinced me it was. He loved what he could use me for, but he didn't love me.
Age when sexually assaulted: 14-16
Who assaulted Teddy: Boyfriend
Town or State where the assault happened: UK
Teddy's message to the world:
Love is acceptance of the word no. Or maybe not a word, but your body language, telling him no without words, because he has taken your voice. It was not love, though he convinced me it was. He loved what he could use me for, but he didn't love me.
Hope Shines
Teddy's name: Hope Shines
Age when sexually assaulted: 15, 15, 16, 18, 19,
Who assaulted Teddy: A boy at school, a boyfriend, a neighbour
Town or State where the assault happened: Ilkeston Derbyshire
Teddy's message to the world:
Although times may be dark right now, hold your head up high and know that you have nothing to be ashamed of, they did what they did so the shame is all theirs. Never let anyone make you believe otherwise, no matter what.
Hold me close when times are rough and feel my softness and the strength within yourself to keep fighting, you are an amazing, strong and courageous person.
Age when sexually assaulted: 15, 15, 16, 18, 19,
Who assaulted Teddy: A boy at school, a boyfriend, a neighbour
Town or State where the assault happened: Ilkeston Derbyshire
Teddy's message to the world:
Although times may be dark right now, hold your head up high and know that you have nothing to be ashamed of, they did what they did so the shame is all theirs. Never let anyone make you believe otherwise, no matter what.
Care Packages
Friday, July 16, 2010
The Teddy Tour received three boxes full of Teddies this week!

A huge thank you to Donna from Innate Personal Development and Counselling for donating these Teddies. Your support will help give survivors a voice and spread the message of zero tolerance of child sexual assault around he world.
If you can help the Teddy Tour with donations of Teddies, please send them to P.O Box 254, Buderim, QLD, 4556, or feel free to contact me for more information:
If you can help the Teddy Tour with donations of Teddies, please send them to P.O Box 254, Buderim, QLD, 4556, or feel free to contact me for more information:
Teddy's name: Josie
Age when sexually assaulted: 4-9
Who assaulted Teddy: My dad
Town or State where the assault happened: Lancashire, UK
Teddy's message to the world:
I was hurt by my dad. He forced sexual acts onto me, and I think he raped me once, but by memories are blocked and scattered. I wish that my mum would have protected me, or at least believed me, but she didn't. I face rejection from my family if I speak out again. I hate what happened, because I am having to work through issues that exhaust me, and drain my energy. When I have the energy, I appreciate life so much. I wish that he hadn't hurt me. I wish that he hadn't given me this burden of guilt and shame. I wish this didn't happen to anybody. It's horrible. Sometimes I am scared, and sometimes I go blank. Sometimes I have flashbacks, and it isolates me from people I love. I want the abuse of girls and women to stop. I want to go to sleep, and not wake up even more tired than when I went to bed.
Age when sexually assaulted: 4-9
Who assaulted Teddy: My dad
Town or State where the assault happened: Lancashire, UK
Teddy's message to the world:
I was hurt by my dad. He forced sexual acts onto me, and I think he raped me once, but by memories are blocked and scattered. I wish that my mum would have protected me, or at least believed me, but she didn't. I face rejection from my family if I speak out again. I hate what happened, because I am having to work through issues that exhaust me, and drain my energy. When I have the energy, I appreciate life so much. I wish that he hadn't hurt me. I wish that he hadn't given me this burden of guilt and shame. I wish this didn't happen to anybody. It's horrible. Sometimes I am scared, and sometimes I go blank. Sometimes I have flashbacks, and it isolates me from people I love. I want the abuse of girls and women to stop. I want to go to sleep, and not wake up even more tired than when I went to bed.
Justice Served
Teddy's name: Justice Served
Age when sexually assaulted: 9-15 years
Who assaulted Teddy: Father
Town or State where the assault happened: Bega, NSW, Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
For 10 years I told no one. It ate me up. I was ashamed, anxious, resentful and angry. At 19 I knew it was time to tell my friends and family that the man who was supposed to have protected me, hadn’t. He’d betrayed me, my friends and family in the worst possible way. He’d stolen my childhood and my trust. Talking about being molested was the hardest thing I ever did. People don’t like to think about it because it makes them feel uncomfortable. By keeping it taboo, society makes it difficult for survivors to speak up and easier for perpetrators to ‘get away with it.’ When I told my mum she didn’t want anyone to know but I told her that we needed to tell EVERYONE- it wasn’t her fault or mine. And we weren’t responsible for how it would make people feel. It was then that I also decided telling people wasn’t enough. My dad needed to know how much I had suffered and that I was suffering. He needed to know that what he’d done was not right. My dad was a criminal. It took 17 hours to complete a police statement. It was really hard. At times I just couldn’t talk. How do you put those memories into words when you’ve kept them silent for so long? I was brave enough to have a conversation with my dad that was recorded by the police. Over the phone he just repeated what he always had -that it was “my fault.” I was nine years old. He was a grown man. I didn’t even know what sex was. My dad was arrested and charged and I faced him in court. At one point, during a break in proceedings, the Department of Public Prosecutions worker heading my case came to me to say, “He’ll plead guilty if you remove the part of your statement that includes ‘penetration.’” (In NSW, Australia, penetration leads to an automatic jail sentence). I was flawed. I looked at the DPP man, “No way. It happened and I’m not going to pretend it didn’t. Tell them no!” I didn’t change my statement. My dad had the right to remain silent but expected ME to silence part of what had happened. Now that I had broken my silence there was no chance I’d be in that situation again. My father pleaded guilty and spent 3 years of a 5-year sentence in jail. I am 28 now. I have a beautiful son of my own. I have the most loving husband I could imagine. I am pregnant with our second child and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. But do you know what? I deserve it. Am I ever sad that I don’t see my father? Yes. But I have a choice now, which I didn’t always. I am sad because I’ve missed out on having a dad because he made a choice once too. He made a decision 19 years ago that meant today I don’t have a dad I can trust or want in my life or my children’s lives. At 19 I was brave. I know I was. Talking might be the hardest thing you ever do but however long it takes breaking the silence will tip the balance of power. The perpetrator will no longer hold the power. The perpetrator will no longer in control. YOU have the power. You have the right to be in control of your life. And you deserve it.
Age when sexually assaulted: 9-15 years
Who assaulted Teddy: Father
Town or State where the assault happened: Bega, NSW, Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
For 10 years I told no one. It ate me up. I was ashamed, anxious, resentful and angry. At 19 I knew it was time to tell my friends and family that the man who was supposed to have protected me, hadn’t. He’d betrayed me, my friends and family in the worst possible way. He’d stolen my childhood and my trust. Talking about being molested was the hardest thing I ever did. People don’t like to think about it because it makes them feel uncomfortable. By keeping it taboo, society makes it difficult for survivors to speak up and easier for perpetrators to ‘get away with it.’ When I told my mum she didn’t want anyone to know but I told her that we needed to tell EVERYONE- it wasn’t her fault or mine. And we weren’t responsible for how it would make people feel. It was then that I also decided telling people wasn’t enough. My dad needed to know how much I had suffered and that I was suffering. He needed to know that what he’d done was not right. My dad was a criminal. It took 17 hours to complete a police statement. It was really hard. At times I just couldn’t talk. How do you put those memories into words when you’ve kept them silent for so long? I was brave enough to have a conversation with my dad that was recorded by the police. Over the phone he just repeated what he always had -that it was “my fault.” I was nine years old. He was a grown man. I didn’t even know what sex was. My dad was arrested and charged and I faced him in court. At one point, during a break in proceedings, the Department of Public Prosecutions worker heading my case came to me to say, “He’ll plead guilty if you remove the part of your statement that includes ‘penetration.’” (In NSW, Australia, penetration leads to an automatic jail sentence). I was flawed. I looked at the DPP man, “No way. It happened and I’m not going to pretend it didn’t. Tell them no!” I didn’t change my statement. My dad had the right to remain silent but expected ME to silence part of what had happened. Now that I had broken my silence there was no chance I’d be in that situation again. My father pleaded guilty and spent 3 years of a 5-year sentence in jail. I am 28 now. I have a beautiful son of my own. I have the most loving husband I could imagine. I am pregnant with our second child and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. But do you know what? I deserve it. Am I ever sad that I don’t see my father? Yes. But I have a choice now, which I didn’t always. I am sad because I’ve missed out on having a dad because he made a choice once too. He made a decision 19 years ago that meant today I don’t have a dad I can trust or want in my life or my children’s lives. At 19 I was brave. I know I was. Talking might be the hardest thing you ever do but however long it takes breaking the silence will tip the balance of power. The perpetrator will no longer hold the power. The perpetrator will no longer in control. YOU have the power. You have the right to be in control of your life. And you deserve it.
Teddy's name: Tasha
Age when sexually assaulted: 10-15
Who assaulted Teddy: my mother's husband
Town or State where the assault happened: Indiana, USA
Teddy's message to the world:
This teddy, named Tasha, was groomed and abused by her stepfather. One day, Tasha had enough and went and told on him. She told her friends, her family, the police, lawyers, and a judge and a jury. In the end, the jury couldn't see the truth and they set her stepfather free. She's sure that those who read this now will know the truth though. That you'll know that this teddy didn't lie, that she isn't bad and didn't deserve what happened to her. Tasha knows that his being found not-guilty does not mean that SHE is guilty, though. She knows that she is safe now, and that anyone worth being in her life believes her truth and believes in her. Thank you for hearing and believing her.
Age when sexually assaulted: 10-15
Who assaulted Teddy: my mother's husband
Town or State where the assault happened: Indiana, USA
Teddy's message to the world:
This teddy, named Tasha, was groomed and abused by her stepfather. One day, Tasha had enough and went and told on him. She told her friends, her family, the police, lawyers, and a judge and a jury. In the end, the jury couldn't see the truth and they set her stepfather free. She's sure that those who read this now will know the truth though. That you'll know that this teddy didn't lie, that she isn't bad and didn't deserve what happened to her. Tasha knows that his being found not-guilty does not mean that SHE is guilty, though. She knows that she is safe now, and that anyone worth being in her life believes her truth and believes in her. Thank you for hearing and believing her.
Teddy's name: Daisy
Age when sexually assaulted: 2 to 13
Who assaulted Teddy: grandfather, babysitter, stepfather, stepfather's best friend
Town or State where the assault happened: California
Teddy's message to the world:
To my abusers: I am No longer Your secret keeper. I am handing you back your shame, for squarely on Your shoulders it belongs. Don't call me victim, I am a survivor! To the world: When a child talks....listen! To the Mothers: Protect your children, Even if you weren't protected.
Age when sexually assaulted: 2 to 13
Who assaulted Teddy: grandfather, babysitter, stepfather, stepfather's best friend
Town or State where the assault happened: California
Teddy's message to the world:
To my abusers: I am No longer Your secret keeper. I am handing you back your shame, for squarely on Your shoulders it belongs. Don't call me victim, I am a survivor! To the world: When a child talks....listen! To the Mothers: Protect your children, Even if you weren't protected.
Lil Cindy
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Teddy's name: Lil Cindy
Age when sexually assaulted: somewhere between 6 to 9
Who assaulted Teddy: a male boarder
Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne, Victoria
Teddy's message to the world: It hurts. It stinks.Its secrecy whispers down the decades, stories about self that I have believed to be true: it's my fault, I enjoyed it, I'm a wicked, wicked little girl.I will burn in the fires of hell. I'm dirty, shameful...who would want to love a rag doll? Not me-except that Lil Cindy loves me...very, very much. So maybe those secret whispers are what: voices embedded into my psyche- not from me , or Lil Cindy, but from him,,, a sick, sick man whose balls I'd love to feed to the dogs, but that's not socially acceptable, nor could I live with that brutality in my heart or mind. I don't want to perpertrate that abuse be it in any form as an expression. Even entertaining the anger, fury sickens me to the core and yet that weeping,ulcerous sore needs to be excised and healed. So what does Lil Cindy want to tell me. Don't give up on love. Lil Cindy is such a beautiful, shaggy teddy bear who smiles and smiles even when her heart is bursting with pain. Love is all and Lil Cindy has never given up on love...loving her beautiful shaggy fur, her tattered clothes- the marks of a life well lived. Her magic wand glistens, sparkles and shines-so no matter what or who has tattered her wings she sings her song of magic, waves her wand and viola- the magic whispers: Lil Cindy loves you so much , my precious , precious child,,,no matter what - Lil Cindy is always there for you. And sometimes to make me laugh she wears her funny sunflower hat, pulls out her sunflower cape, flaps her wings and off we fly above the clouds, the rains, the tornados that rock the self and we rest upon a fluffy pink cloud with Lil Cindy's friends and breathe the fun, the laughter, the joy and love that our imagination can create and paint and draw and sing. And when we're ready - we fly back down through the tornadoes, hurricanes and storms of life- refreshed renewed and filled with love. One day I may be able to don the cloak of sunflower happ iness and fly to Lil Cindy and my fluffy pink cloud of teddy bear love. Maybe with all my magic friends I'll be able to tell "him "how much he has hurt me. Maybe I'll be able to tell him how angry and full of rage that I have for him. Maybe on that day I will be able to look him in the eyes and say I no longer hate and despise you. No means No. Maybe I can say to him If eel very sad , very sad that the only joy you had in life was to sexualy abuse a very little, vulnerable girl- an innocent... a girl full of magic and wonder who loved life and who missed her nonna so much. She felt so alone in this new land without her nonna. You had no right to abuse her trust in you as an adult member of the household. Nor did you have the right to feed lies and sleeze into this innocent angel's little heart- so she just spent the rest of her life replicating this abuse in one form or another includinging abusing herself over and over agian to prove or even disprove that she was or wasn't that naughty, wicked little girl who the devil would burn in hell. No you were wrong, I am none of these and have never been any of these.My heart feels like it's breaking into a million shattered shards...the wasted pain of this my life, but with my special friends along life's journey and Lil Cindy...I forgive myself for believing your dirty, stinking lies. And I forgive you ... I cannot imagine how much you have suffered to behave in such a way...were you abused?? or were you born that way?? I don't know and I'll never know, but I hope that along your life's journey and if you are still alive I hope that you find your peace and the magic of Lil Cindy and all her friends. I wish you well on this life's journey. I forgive you and I forgive myself and my parents who refused to see and now can only be spoken to in spirit. But Lil Cindy will take my wishes to you all. And I know that Lil Cindy will always wrap me in her love, her magic sunflower cape and wings and whenever I feel too sad and despairing. I'm not alone and will never be alone while my Lil Cindy lives in my heart, mind and spirit. Her love can never be destroyed and will never be destroyed and with her laughter, fun and joy she inspires me to love myself and others no matter what... even when I feel I can't. She can and I'll let her. A beautiful sunflower to you all.
Age when sexually assaulted: somewhere between 6 to 9
Who assaulted Teddy: a male boarder
Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne, Victoria
Teddy's message to the world: It hurts. It stinks.Its secrecy whispers down the decades, stories about self that I have believed to be true: it's my fault, I enjoyed it, I'm a wicked, wicked little girl.I will burn in the fires of hell. I'm dirty, shameful...who would want to love a rag doll? Not me-except that Lil Cindy loves me...very, very much. So maybe those secret whispers are what: voices embedded into my psyche- not from me , or Lil Cindy, but from him,,, a sick, sick man whose balls I'd love to feed to the dogs, but that's not socially acceptable, nor could I live with that brutality in my heart or mind. I don't want to perpertrate that abuse be it in any form as an expression. Even entertaining the anger, fury sickens me to the core and yet that weeping,ulcerous sore needs to be excised and healed. So what does Lil Cindy want to tell me. Don't give up on love. Lil Cindy is such a beautiful, shaggy teddy bear who smiles and smiles even when her heart is bursting with pain. Love is all and Lil Cindy has never given up on love...loving her beautiful shaggy fur, her tattered clothes- the marks of a life well lived. Her magic wand glistens, sparkles and shines-so no matter what or who has tattered her wings she sings her song of magic, waves her wand and viola- the magic whispers: Lil Cindy loves you so much , my precious , precious child,,,no matter what - Lil Cindy is always there for you. And sometimes to make me laugh she wears her funny sunflower hat, pulls out her sunflower cape, flaps her wings and off we fly above the clouds, the rains, the tornados that rock the self and we rest upon a fluffy pink cloud with Lil Cindy's friends and breathe the fun, the laughter, the joy and love that our imagination can create and paint and draw and sing. And when we're ready - we fly back down through the tornadoes, hurricanes and storms of life- refreshed renewed and filled with love. One day I may be able to don the cloak of sunflower happ iness and fly to Lil Cindy and my fluffy pink cloud of teddy bear love. Maybe with all my magic friends I'll be able to tell "him "how much he has hurt me. Maybe I'll be able to tell him how angry and full of rage that I have for him. Maybe on that day I will be able to look him in the eyes and say I no longer hate and despise you. No means No. Maybe I can say to him If eel very sad , very sad that the only joy you had in life was to sexualy abuse a very little, vulnerable girl- an innocent... a girl full of magic and wonder who loved life and who missed her nonna so much. She felt so alone in this new land without her nonna. You had no right to abuse her trust in you as an adult member of the household. Nor did you have the right to feed lies and sleeze into this innocent angel's little heart- so she just spent the rest of her life replicating this abuse in one form or another includinging abusing herself over and over agian to prove or even disprove that she was or wasn't that naughty, wicked little girl who the devil would burn in hell. No you were wrong, I am none of these and have never been any of these.My heart feels like it's breaking into a million shattered shards...the wasted pain of this my life, but with my special friends along life's journey and Lil Cindy...I forgive myself for believing your dirty, stinking lies. And I forgive you ... I cannot imagine how much you have suffered to behave in such a way...were you abused?? or were you born that way?? I don't know and I'll never know, but I hope that along your life's journey and if you are still alive I hope that you find your peace and the magic of Lil Cindy and all her friends. I wish you well on this life's journey. I forgive you and I forgive myself and my parents who refused to see and now can only be spoken to in spirit. But Lil Cindy will take my wishes to you all. And I know that Lil Cindy will always wrap me in her love, her magic sunflower cape and wings and whenever I feel too sad and despairing. I'm not alone and will never be alone while my Lil Cindy lives in my heart, mind and spirit. Her love can never be destroyed and will never be destroyed and with her laughter, fun and joy she inspires me to love myself and others no matter what... even when I feel I can't. She can and I'll let her. A beautiful sunflower to you all.
Grizzly Bear
Teddy's name: grizzly bear
Age when sexually assaulted: 8, 13 & 14
Who assaulted Teddy: a group of neighbours, a male acquaintance and his 2 other friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Canada
Teddy's message to the world:
You took away my innocence, you tricked me. You did everything you could to hurt me and try to ruin my life. I felt silenced and alone. I was scared. You changed my life forever. But now it’s my turn. My turn to live my life to the fullest potential. My turn to put all of my energy and love into myself and my healing. I finally accept what happened and know where the responsibility and blame belongs – on your shoulders, not mine.
Age when sexually assaulted: 8, 13 & 14
Who assaulted Teddy: a group of neighbours, a male acquaintance and his 2 other friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Canada
Teddy's message to the world:
You took away my innocence, you tricked me. You did everything you could to hurt me and try to ruin my life. I felt silenced and alone. I was scared. You changed my life forever. But now it’s my turn. My turn to live my life to the fullest potential. My turn to put all of my energy and love into myself and my healing. I finally accept what happened and know where the responsibility and blame belongs – on your shoulders, not mine.
Teddy's name: Lily
Age when sexually assaulted: 11-20
Who assaulted Teddy: Uncle and his friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Bucks
Teddy's message to the world:
The more people try and break you the stronger you will get. Hope remains where people fail. Never let anyone get you down and treat yourself with care. You did nothing wrong xxx
Age when sexually assaulted: 11-20
Who assaulted Teddy: Uncle and his friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Bucks
Teddy's message to the world:
The more people try and break you the stronger you will get. Hope remains where people fail. Never let anyone get you down and treat yourself with care. You did nothing wrong xxx
Teddy's name: Minnie
Age when sexually assaulted: 6 - 16
Who assaulted Teddy: 2 uncles , a brother
Town or State where the assault happened: UK
Teddy's message to the world:
I somehow managed to survive 10 years of severe abuse and torture. I told myself i would survive. I got this far just to be alive so I am not just about to give it all up and come all this way for nothing. WE are better than all of THEM. and if we all stick together and fight, maybe someday we can make things change for the better.
Age when sexually assaulted: 6 - 16
Who assaulted Teddy: 2 uncles , a brother
Town or State where the assault happened: UK
Teddy's message to the world:
I somehow managed to survive 10 years of severe abuse and torture. I told myself i would survive. I got this far just to be alive so I am not just about to give it all up and come all this way for nothing. WE are better than all of THEM. and if we all stick together and fight, maybe someday we can make things change for the better.
Teddy's name: Bug
Age when sexually assaulted: 5 to 12
Who assaulted Teddy: By 2 of dad's friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne, Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
Please watch out for you children and never assume that just because you like someone that they are incapable of hurting your children. Trust without caution is the number one thing that allows abusers access to your children. I know the heartbreaking affect child sexual abuse has on every aspect of a person's life and how even long after the abuse is over you are still trying to piece together the remnants of a life you never thought you'd have to live. Please educate yourself on what warning signs to look out for in your children's behaviour because often they are too scared and confused to ask for help or tell someone. Make sure they understand that bad things can happen even by people they love and that they should always tell you no matter what someone may say to them. Always listen if a child tells you they've been hurt because they don't know how to lie about such abuse at that age and nothing can affect a child more than knowing that t he people closest to them don't even believe them.
Age when sexually assaulted: 5 to 12
Who assaulted Teddy: By 2 of dad's friends
Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne, Australia
Teddy's message to the world:
Please watch out for you children and never assume that just because you like someone that they are incapable of hurting your children. Trust without caution is the number one thing that allows abusers access to your children. I know the heartbreaking affect child sexual abuse has on every aspect of a person's life and how even long after the abuse is over you are still trying to piece together the remnants of a life you never thought you'd have to live. Please educate yourself on what warning signs to look out for in your children's behaviour because often they are too scared and confused to ask for help or tell someone. Make sure they understand that bad things can happen even by people they love and that they should always tell you no matter what someone may say to them. Always listen if a child tells you they've been hurt because they don't know how to lie about such abuse at that age and nothing can affect a child more than knowing that t he people closest to them don't even believe them.
Lost Bear
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Teddy's name: Lost Bear
Age when sexually assaulted: 15
Who assaulted Teddy: Stranger
Town or State where the assault happened: Oakland, CA
Teddy's message to the world:
It's not fair that I have to think about you everyday and you most likely don't even remember who I am. You stole my innocence....I hate you. I hope that life has treated you badly.
Age when sexually assaulted: 15
Who assaulted Teddy: Stranger
Town or State where the assault happened: Oakland, CA
Teddy's message to the world:
It's not fair that I have to think about you everyday and you most likely don't even remember who I am. You stole my innocence....I hate you. I hope that life has treated you badly.
Teddy's name: BooBoo
Age when sexually assaulted: 7 - 15
Who assaulted Teddy: Father
Town or State where the assault happened: Sydney
Teddy's message to the world:
How come I suffer with this anguish my whole life yet you get too live? I have had failed relationships, no confidence and dont like who I am. Yet you live. Im now 36 and have just told my Mum what you did. I have moved a lot, changed my name, phone numbers so you couldnt find me. Yet you get to live. Im trying to survive. Trying to work out who I am and be me and not be afraid. I want just 1 day where I dont feel scared and dont think about you. That day will come. I know it will.
Age when sexually assaulted: 7 - 15
Who assaulted Teddy: Father
Town or State where the assault happened: Sydney
Teddy's message to the world:
How come I suffer with this anguish my whole life yet you get too live? I have had failed relationships, no confidence and dont like who I am. Yet you live. Im now 36 and have just told my Mum what you did. I have moved a lot, changed my name, phone numbers so you couldnt find me. Yet you get to live. Im trying to survive. Trying to work out who I am and be me and not be afraid. I want just 1 day where I dont feel scared and dont think about you. That day will come. I know it will.
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