Perpetrators rely on silence and secrets the keep the abuse hidden - It's time to bring childhood sexual assault out into the open so that they have no where to hide. The more voices that unite in saying NO to childhood sexual assault, the louder and more powerful the message will be.
Submitting a Teddy Tag is a way to:
- Tell your story safely and anonymously
- Let other survivors know they are not alone
- Help to raise awareness of childhood sexual assault
- Promote a zero tolerance attitude that tells perpetrators we will not keep their secret
- Take back your power and reclaim your voice
No matter how old you are, whether you're male or female, how long ago the abuse happened, where you live in the world or if you've ever told anyone before, please consider submitting a Tag and help the Teddy Tour end the silence surrounding childhood sexual assault.
We cannot do it without you.
I think this is a great idea (the Teddy Tour). It helps survivors to tell their stories (silence only helps the offenders) and makes them realize they are not alone and they can recover from sexual abuse.
It is time the community starts talking about sexual abuse and explore what we can do as a group, instead of looking the other way. The problem will not go away by ignoring it.
Remember, sexual abuse is always the offender's fault! Let's break the silence people!
Hi there Adela,
Thanks for taking the time to comment.
You are so right! Sexual abuse won't go away if we ignore it, but we can make offenders think twice if we SPEAK UP and talk about it.
Thanks for supporting the Teddy Tour and helping to end the silence of childhood sexual assault!
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