Teddy Bear

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Teddy's name: Teddy Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: baby

Who assaulted Teddy: Daddy

Town or State where the assault happened: South Australia

Teddy's message to the world:

I was assaulted when I was a baby. I don't remember it except I have had puberty start really early and I have had bad sexual experiences from an early age. Parents should be trusted and I should have been protected from my Dad's behaviour by my Mum. I am now an older woman and after a great deal of healing after my Dad died, I can hold my head up as I've come to realise you can overcome the hurt and pain. You can overcome and rise up and be stronger because this evil does not hold chains on you. By faith and belief you can move on.


Teddy's name: Bruff

Age when sexually assaulted: about 9

Who assaulted Teddy: Neighbour (male)

Town or State where the assault happened: Victoria

Teddy's message to the world:

Although I've faced difficulties with trust, I ended up having a great daughter and have enjoyed my life in spite of your actions.


Teddy's name: Sophie

Age when sexually assaulted: 10 to 15

Who assaulted Teddy: father

Town or State where the assault happened: Melbourne

Teddy's message to the world:

Be strong, go forward never look back, and never repeat.


Teddy's name: Nettie

Age when sexually assaulted: 12

Who assaulted Teddy: big brother

Town or State where the assault happened: NSW

Teddy's message to the world:

My abuser's desire for control and power (in all areas of his life) has only brought him unhappiness...and though his abuse has affected me, and in ways I possibly am not even aware of, I have learned that love and care, not power and control, are what is important in life.


Teddy's name: Angel

Age when sexually assaulted: 21

Who assaulted Teddy: A work colleague

Town or State where the assault happened: Bedford

Teddy's message to the world:

I was drunk, asleep I couldn't do anything. You were the preditor, I was defenseless unconcious prey - you were always going to win that battle!! You probably weren't expecting me to react that way or report it to the police. I have unbelieveable strength, I reported you, I am fighting back. I will do everything I can to fight back because you never gave me the chance. You never even gave me the chance to say no. I have the control, I have the strength. You will not destroy me, I will not go back to those times!! I am a better person, I am strong, I can do this. I hope to hear those words guilty in court. Please give me hope!


Teddy's name: Shadow

Age when sexually assaulted: 2, 14, and 18

Who assaulted Teddy: A babysitter's son, a stranger, and a friend

Town or State where the assault happened: Ohio

Teddy's message to the world:

She is human. Her pain is real. You cannot make her not not feel. To forget the past is to get hurt again. To live in the past, is to never live again. She will be free. Her story known. Today is the day that she chooses to survive. A victim no longer. She will survive.

Valiant Phoenix

Teddy's name: Valiant Phoenix

Age when sexually assaulted: 9 and for many years after

Who assaulted Teddy: brother

Town or State where the assault happened: California, USA

Teddy's message to the world:

You broke me and crushed me. You stole my life. You almost killed me. But I am alive and you are dead. I rise from your ashes. I lived to tell. I am precious. I am worthy. I am alive. Some days now, I can even forgive you.

Sunshine Bear

Teddy's name: Sunshine Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 4-6 years old

Who assaulted Teddy: Dad

Town or State where the assault happened: United States

Teddy's message to the world:

When someone touches you in a way you don't like. Its not fair and it hurts both on the inside and on the outside. But the world inst totally dark. There are bright people in this world who will hold your hand hug you and tell you its OK. We all just have to find our sunshine.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Teddy's name: Denial

Age when sexually assaulted: 13-15

Who assaulted Teddy: Coworkers

Town or State where the assault happened: Caribbean

Teddy's message to the world:

I have been in Denial for far too long, and I'm done. What happened to me was wrong.
Sometimes it's so much easier to take the blame, because if it really was your fault, then that means justice is real, and everything is fair, but when you put the blame back where it belongs, that puts you in a really scary and vulnerable place. All of a sudden, we see the world for what it can be, a horrible place full of injustice, where bad things do happen to good people. Sometimes, it's easier to stay in denial, it can be easier to just believe that it was your fault than to accept the fact that it wasn't and you didn't have control in the situation for this very reason. Just like minimizing, denial is something our brain uses to protect itself. When really, its just flawed logic and I think every survivor needs to ask them self, is it worth it? Is it worth taking blame which is not yours to carry? Is it worth lying to yourself? Is it worth the guilt?
For me, I've decided it's no longer worth it.


Teddy's name: Teddy

Age when sexually assaulted: 8 or 9 - 12 or 13

Who assaulted Teddy: My best friend's uncle and a few boys later in high school.

Town or State where the assault happened: Louisville, KY

Teddy's message to the world:

I am not done living. I am not done thriving. Your hands dont hurt me anymore. I will have the last laugh.

Advocate Bear

Teddy's name: Advocate Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 14

Who assaulted Teddy: Friends Father

Town or State where the assault happened: Connecticut

Teddy's message to the world:

At 14 years old after abducting and assaulting me you at 30 something years old told me what you had done was just in fun,that it was all a game.....I believe that that both the sexual and psychological suffering you inflicted on me was a game to you but I've got news for you my life was not and is not a game and I never should have been your pawn! What you did while not forgivable has set me on my life's journey and career path of child advocacy and helping to prevent any more children from going through what you put me through! I have prevailed!

Super Sandy

Teddy's name: Super Sandy

Age when sexually assaulted: from 2-5

Who assaulted Teddy: an uncle and a grandfather

Town or State where the assault happened: Texas

Teddy's message to the world:

It took me a long time to learn just how Super I am, but now that I know, no one can take that from me, especially not my abusers. We are all Survivors, not because we are ok with what happened to us, but because we choose to live in spite of what happened to us. Once I found my voice, I used it, and this is what came of it: http://www.myspace.com/toldyouicouldsavetheworld and http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Survivors-Mark/120528099068. I'm trying to save the world, one perspective at a time...finding The Teddy Tour gives me hope that I'm not the only one fighting, and that our hard work is paying off.


Teddy's name: Rain

Age when sexually assaulted: 4-6, 13-16

Who assaulted Teddy: grandpa, boyfriend

Town or State where the assault happened: VT

Teddy's message to the world:

You are strong, and you will be okay. No matter how bad life seems to be right now, there is always a glimpse of hope. You must cherish that hope, hold on to it and let it grow into a new life full of love, hope, and laughter- free of pain. If you need a boost, listen to my favorite song "Stronger" by good ol' Kanye. That's right, I'm a hip-hop teddy :)


Teddy's name: DaRkNeSs

Age when sexually assaulted: 0-23yo

Who assaulted Teddy: The Cult

Town or State where the assault happened: NSW and VIC Australia

Teddy's message to the world:

Tell, tell and keep telling until someone listens and someone cares. Do not listen to their lies, you are not bad or dirty or evil, it is NOT YOUR FAULT. Dont keep secrets that make you feel bad inside.


Teddy's name: Shadowlight

Age when sexually assaulted: age 4 - 19

Who assaulted Teddy: several bad people

Town or State where the assault happened: England

Teddy's message to the world:

several bad people hurt us, it became all we knew until the body reached the age of 19 we thought that was how life was meant to be, that everyone else just lied about it and said it did not happen to them. We became dependent upon the abuse. 4 years later and we still struggle with this whole not being hurt thing, we do not know how to do the emotions thing being hurt seemed easier in many ways. But people hurting you is NOT right, it is wrong and bad. However, it does NOT make you bad, it makes those who do the hurting bad.


Teddy's name: Aurora

Age when sexually assaulted: 8

Who assaulted Teddy: Another Child - a 'friend'

Town or State where the assault happened: UK

Teddy's message to the world:

You told me it was a secret, our secret, you told me you loved me, that this was what boys and girls did. I said "no" so many times but it didn't stop you forcing me, locking me in rooms until you got what you wanted. You got me so scared in the end I gave up and complied. Maybe you were hurt first but you were still responsible. No means No. Age isn't all about numbers, it's about knowledge. In that way you were older than me and you hurt me. Lets get rid of this taboo of child-on-child sexual abuse. It happens....


Teddy's name: Isabella

Age when sexually assaulted: 11-15

Who assaulted Teddy: Many different men

Town or State where the assault happened: Pennsylvania

Teddy's message to the world:

I wouldn't change or take back what has happened because it has truly shown me how strong I am. Even though I've been hurt, I will not let these men have control over my life. I want to use my experiences, bad and good, to help others realize they too can overcome the pain. No matter happens, you are beautiful inside. Survivors will rise above in the end.


Teddy's name: Hope

Age when sexually assaulted: 4

Who assaulted Teddy: Uncle

Town or State where the assault happened: Ohio

Teddy's message to the world:

Innocence is sacred. It is something that should be cherished, not tarnished. Not a day passes where I don't remember something about what that monster did to me. But each day that passes, I grow stronger....with Hope. "Hope is a thing with feathers that perches in the soul; and sings the tune without words and never stops at all."
Emily Dickinson


Teddy's name: Scamp

Age when sexually assaulted: 8-12

Who assaulted Teddy: Neighbour

Town or State where the assault happened: Ireland

Teddy's message to the world:

You made me feel like I was nothing, like I was worthless and bad and for years I believed that. But now I know better, you're the bad one....YOU are the one who's worthless!!!! I will overcome this, i will be happy and achieve my goals...and you will always be worthless and bad!


Teddy's name: Hope

Age when sexually assaulted: 2-3, 6, 9-10 and 20

Who assaulted Teddy: Baby sitter, Friend's mother and father, School employee and 4 strangers

Town or State where the assault happened: UK, South Africa and France

Teddy's message to the world:

It started when I was 2 - just an innocent child learning about the World. What I learnt was that the World was not a safe place, that there were people who could and would hurt me and that there was nothing I could do to stop them. I learnt that I could die, and that there was nothing I could do to stop myself from dying except to do exactly what I was told. I learnt that no one was going to help me, I had to fend for myself. And I learnt that I could fend for myself, I could look after myself and I could survive. Hard lessons for a little girl of 2. They say that history repeats itself, and that was certainly the case in my childhood. I don't know if I had a certain look, a way of being, a signal that somehow attracted these people to me, but they knew how to find me. I coped with it all in the same way, by doing what I was told and surviving. I told no one and no one guessed or found out. As an adult faced again with the reality of sexual assault on various occasions (again, what is it about me that attracts these people?) I resorted to my childhood survival methods - after all they had got me through before. Do what you're told, survive, tell no one. But the time has come to change that. To realise I am no longer a child and no longer vulnerable in the same way. I am no longer disempowered, no longer voiceless, no longer weaker than them. I am an equal, stonger even because of what I've gone through. And I will no longer be silenced by fear, threats or anything else. The time has come to speak up and speak out, to give up shame and guilt and embarrassment. To get rid of fear and sadness and regret. To move forward and to live a full and happy life, the kind of life I deserve to lead. To move towards peace, love and acceptance. To move towards that shining beacon of light which got me through the tough times, which I never gave up on, no matter how hard things got. The Light of Hope. Good luck to you all. Never give up, never give in, and remember that with hope you can accomplish anything.


Teddy's name: Keiko

Age when sexually assaulted: 8-13, and 17

Who assaulted Teddy: step dad, mother, stranger, peers

Town or State where the assault happened: New York

Teddy's message to the world:

Be the voice for silent children. Don't ignore the signs of abuse. Ignoring doesn't make it go away. If you suspect child abuse, please do something for the safety of that child. Open your eyes, and let children know that someone cares.


Teddy's name: Denise

Age when sexually assaulted: until 17

Who assaulted Teddy: Dad, derek, Bill, Brian and too many more

Town or State where the assault happened: Ga and RI

Teddy's message to the world:

You took so much from me. You took my childhood, my innocence, my will, my strength and my voice. You made me a victim. You knocked me down to where I did not want to get up. But I did, I got up. It may have taken me half a life time but I found my life, my strength, my will and my voice. Today I stand tall and strong as a survivor and that you can never take away. I will use my strength and voice to help anyone and everyone I can.


Teddy's name: Aine

Age when sexually assaulted: 4-8

Who assaulted Teddy: Dad

Town or State where the assault happened: UK

Teddy's message to the world:

He took my childhood, but he does not get my life. Surviving, thriving and living a joyful life is the ultimate way to fight back. I am not just a survivor, I am so much more than that. If it happened to you, break the silence. You weren't to blame for what happened, and you can heal from it. x

Annie Bear

Teddy's name: Annie Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 13 - 21

Who assaulted Teddy: Brother

Town or State where the assault happened: California

Teddy's message to the world:

To my brother: I wonder if, in the next world, you have finally realized the indescribable pain you caused me in so many ways, not just sexual. You were supposed to protect me. Instead, you betrayed me, exerted power and control over me, and harmed me repeatedly. The damage can never be completely undone. To survivors: You are some of my favorite people in the world, even as I wish you had never experienced this hellish nightmare. I tried to get help when I was in college. I gave up too easily. I became a victim of more trauma. It took me over 30 years to break the silence. It has been painful, but one of the best things I have ever done. Speak up. Pray -- even if all you can do is yell and scream or cry to God at first. Find a band of fellow survivors and love and support them as they love and support you. Never give up. We will heal.


Teddy's name: Kooper

Age when sexually assaulted: ? to 12?

Who assaulted Teddy: Older cousin

Town or State where the assault happened: USA

Teddy's message to the world:

I am a survivor. No one's child should have this happen to them. I want to be counted and break the silence.


Teddy's name: Hope

Age when sexually assaulted: 3-13

Who assaulted Teddy: Mum

Town or State where the assault happened: New Zealand

Teddy's message to the world:

Mothers sexually abuse daughters. Believe us when we tell you. Don't tell us we are mistaken or that it isn't as bad as being abused by a man. I hope to one day be free from the effects of what my Mum did to me. I hope one day to have peace and freedom and an identity.


Teddy's name: Phoenix

Age when sexually assaulted: ? (The oldest I could have been was eight.)

Who assaulted Teddy: Stepbrother

Town or State where the assault happened: California

Teddy's message to the world:

It happened to me. I still don't know what 'it' entails. I can't remember everything. It is a huge part of my life, and being a survivor is huge part of my identity. Sometimes I wish it weren't so. Sometimes I wish that I wouldn't tense up when I hear certain words, or that I didn't understand so well. Sometimes I am grateful for the compassion I have developed; sometimes I hate the world for thrusting this upon me. But here I am. It happened. I cannot change the past, but I certainly have power when it comes to the future.

The Teddies are Moving House!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Teddies and Ali have outgrown their current home and are on the move. As everything is about to be packed into boxes ready to go to the new house, all Teddy Tags submitted in the next few days may be delayed in joining the Tour.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.


Teddy's name: Bethy

Age when sexually assaulted: 12-20

Who assaulted Teddy: A man from the internet

Town or State where the assault happened: UK

Teddy's message to the world:

If someone makes you feel uncomfortable anywhere; at home, at school or on the internet, please tell someone. You are brave and strong and it is not your fault. Take gentle care of yourself because you matter xxx


Teddy's name: Mousey

Age when sexually assaulted: 7

Who assaulted Teddy: Babysitter

Town or State where the assault happened: Ireland

Teddy's message to the world:

You tried to break me, You stole my innocence. You stole my childhood. I was only a child - a scared little girl. Well guess what?? I am in control now. You no longer hold any power over me. I am reclaiming the past and looking forward to the future :)

Lonesome Bear

Teddy's name: Lonesome Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 10

Who assaulted Teddy: Mother's cousin

Town or State where the assault happened: Victoria

Teddy's message to the world:

You did not win. I am living my life and loving my children. Everyday I wake up and get out of bed proves that I am so much more than what happened to me.

Sunshine Shannon

Teddy's name: Sunshine Shannon

Age when sexually assaulted: 0-9 years old

Who assaulted Teddy: Dad

Town or State where the assault happened: Windsor

Teddy's message to the world:

I am strong. I am beautiful. What happened to me does not define me. It did not make me any less of a person. When you hear of my story, please don't treat me as though you need to "tip toe" around me. The worst is over. I survived, and what a beautiful feeling that is. I am alive, and everyday, the beauty of my surroundings has yet to astound me. Not only am I a survivor, but I am also a thriver. I am strong, and the events that have occurred in my life (although no one should ever have to face) have taught me some very valuable lessons that very few people will ever learn, and to that, Dad, I must say thank you. I forgive you Dad. In no way does this justify your actions, but to hold on to hatred for the rest of my life, doesn't do me any good. I know you aren't living an easy life right now. I believe karma has come to play with you.

Brave Bear

Teddy's name: Brave Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 3-10

Who assaulted Teddy: stepdad and neighbour

Town or State where the assault happened: gloucester

Teddy's message to the world:

I was sexually abused and raped from the age of 3, until I was ten. Me, my sister and stepsister, and two children who lived down the road were abused and used to make child pornography. I am so angry, and I cannot make any sense of what was done to me. The effect on my life has been nothing short of devastating. I cannot, and do not, believe that no adults around us noticed that something awful was happening. I am currently working on healing myself, a journey which has taken me to unspeakably painful places, and also given me the most precious and important moments of my life. I am proud that I am alive. I am proud that I am training to help survivors. I am proud to expose myself to the world in the hope that the sexual abuse of children will become something we can talk about, as this is the only way to eradicate it. No more shame, no more secrets, no more fear, no more abuse. I can make a difference. I am so much stronger than them.

Boo Boo

Teddy's name: Boo Boo

Age when sexually assaulted: 4-11

Who assaulted Teddy: father, sister

Town or State where the assault happened: Montana

Teddy's message to the world:

Just because I was hurt as a little girl doesn't mean I'm broken. He tried to destroy my entire childhood and he almost succeeded, but I kept the little spark that meant myself buried in a cocoon of hope. My innocence was stolen, but I've taken it back. It's mine to give to whom I choose, not to someone who forced himself on me. I know I'm a beautiful, wonderful person, no matter what has been done to me. And the fault was never mine. The pain, the guilt, the shame...were never mine and never belonged to me. I don't have to let this control my life anymore, and I won't. And I will never give up hope.


Teddy's name: CFudge

Age when sexually assaulted: 14

Who assaulted Teddy: Stranger

Town or State where the assault happened: NSW

Teddy's message to the world:

You took my control away, you took away my innocence, you took away my friendships, you broke apart my family. But now I am the one in control of my life. I will choose where my future goes. I choose what I do with my body and my mind. You can't take that strength away from me.


Teddy's name: Sandy

Age when sexually assaulted: 4

Who assaulted Teddy: cousin

Town or State where the assault happened: VA

Teddy's message to the world:

It should not hurt to be a child. I told people about being hurt and got blamed instead of being loved and supported. Please listen to a child when they want to talk. Just because they are little doesn't mean their words aren't big!

Yellow Teddy

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Teddy's name: Yellow Teddy

Age when sexually assaulted: 7-8 years

Who assaulted Teddy: Uncle

Town or State where the assault happened: Queensland

Teddy's message to the world:

Note to parents:- If your child throws a tantrum every time you send them away for school holidays, there is probably a very good reason. Keep them close & ask a lot of questions. For the sake of some time out for you, you could be giving them something they will never forget & will haunt them the rest of their lives.


Teddy's name: Panda

Age when sexually assaulted: 13

Who assaulted Teddy: sister boyfriend, now husband

Town or State where the assault happened: Brisbane

Teddy's message to the world:

I am strong; You will not be a part of my life anymore, or my children's life. My family did not protect me, now I will protect myself and the life of my own family. I have lost a sister but have gained courage.


Teddy's name: Linda

Age when sexually assaulted: ? - 15

Who assaulted Teddy: Mother

Town or State where the assault happened: South Australia

Teddy's message to the world:

I am a little bit lucky because I can't remember it all. I choose to however accept what has happened and not be afraid anymore. I am who I am because of what happened and for that I am a better person than "mother" and any other abusers will ever be. They say abused children lead to abusing adults. Well I have two beautiful little bears myself and I am breaking one pattern right now!!! Beware abusers, I believe in Karma.

PB Bear

Teddy's name: PB Bear

Age when sexually assaulted: 10 - 16

Who assaulted Teddy: father, uncle, cousin, brother- in-law

Town or State where the assault happened: Qld

Teddy's message to the world:

PB Bear will rise above you and show that you have not beaten her spirit completely. PB Bear will achieve her dreams and goals, will succeed in being happy and finding herself. You tried hard to destroy her spirit, but she will not let you win.


Teddy's name: Duckie

Age when sexually assaulted: 3 through to 11, then 12, then 15

Who assaulted Teddy: Brother, Church Elder, Youth Group leader

Town or State where the assault happened: south australia

Teddy's message to the world:

Being taught from a very young age that My body was what men wanted, set me up to be abused as a teenager by 2 different people. It was written in the way I moved, the way I spoke, Unwittingly sending messages I didnt recognise... but they did.

Having who I would have been stolen, left me bereft of a sense of self. An appreciation of the gifts I had to share with the world was lost. I have come out the other side as an Adult most certainly different than the Adult I would have been without this horror in my past..... But none the less an Adult worthy of Love and dignity even though they all taught me I was worthless.

What ever happens in your life shapes you and turns your life into a beautiful patchwork quilt, with shades of darkness and light. You can't see the beautiful pattern until you can stand far enough away, then you realise that within the darkest or the dark... it makes the brightest of the bright stand out clear and YOUR patchwork quilt is the most beautiful of all because you had the bravery to stand again tall and proud and make the scraps which were left behind into something beautiful.

No more fears

Teddy's name: No more fears

Age when sexually assaulted: 4-8yrs

Who assaulted Teddy: Grandfather

Town or State where the assault happened: SA

Teddy's message to the world:

You were supposed to be a protector, someone who i could talk to and could take away my fears and pain... instead you were the one who created them. I hope your soul is burning in your grave, and i can live with the knowledge you will never hurt another


Teddy's name: Pepper

Age when sexually assaulted: 10-15

Who assaulted Teddy: Aunt & Uncle

Town or State where the assault happened: Central Queensland

Teddy's message to the world:

You may of robbed me of my innocence, but those who matter know the truth about you two. I am a stronger person for what you have inflicted upon me and I will never let you hurt another little girl again. If I could ever have one question answered, it would be why?


Monday, June 7, 2010

Teddy's name: Flower

Age when sexually assaulted: 3-13

Who assaulted Teddy: Brother

Town or State where the assault happened: Victoria

Teddy's message to the world:

You don't get a do-over, the past can't be erased or forgotten, history can never be rewritten. But my future can be written by my hand, and I am ready to write a positive future. One where I can be happy, at peace with me and break out of the shackles of being a victim, if society will let me, 'Considering your childhood,' is still something others use to measure my achievements. My future is looking bright... no, my future IS bright..er anyway.

Teddy Lost

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Teddy's name: Teddy Lost

Age when sexually assaulted: 18mths to 16yrs and beyond

Who assaulted Teddy: dad and various relatives, strangers and partners

Town or State where the assault happened: sydney to queensland

Teddy's message to the world:

Although the memories are burried to deep to retrieve at this late age in life, there is undoubted proof to the abuse starting in my informative yrs as a child, other victims have risen their heads to confirm, and the borderline personality disorder along with the dissasociativness into fetal position are here with me everyday of this long long life of almost 50yrs, relationships are hard even now, i am a hermit with a smiling mask to be worn in public, i have studied every book i can find, but i cant replace a childhood that doesnt exist for me! I chose not to have children from the fear of it all, and only now do i relize how alone i really am! But i am here to stay, so finding my true purpose in this life is on my agenda, helping others and at the same time helping myself heal, thanku teddy lost, i will love my inner teddy always because i do have value in this world, and most of all i am strong! PS-- perpitrators should get life sentences, just as we have life sentences trying to repair our pain! Kisses and hugs to all us Teddys, stay strong!


Teddy's name: Krystal

Age when sexually assaulted: 8 to 11

Who assaulted Teddy: Step dad

Town or State where the assault happened: Perth

Teddy's message to the world:

Abusers are weak. Survivors are strong! Look out perps... Your time is up! We've got your number and we won't stay silent any more!